1. Our customers put the new Clarisonic Aria to the test...
An electrical beauty newbie with skin suffering from the elements --->
“I’ve been amazed at the way the Aria has significantly changed the appearance of my skin tone and texture in just 5 weeks. If you’re thinking of buying one, go ahead and treat yourself, you won’t be disappointed. I certainly won’t be parting with mine!”
A 20-something beauty blogger with oily skin ----->
“My pores seem smaller and my face is less oily, which is great for me as I have never had much luck controlling my oily skin - the Aria seems to really reduce it. The brush never feels irritating on the skin, it is really smooth and just glides across.”
2. We delved into the world of male beauty tech...
“It’s a distinct possibility that men are taking a sneaky go with their partner’s pink Clarisonic in the same way they will pick up a L’Oréal face wash that’s left by the side of the shower – but are they really ready to take the plunge and buy their own?” Read: “The Rise of the Male Clarisonic - is men’s beauty really on the rise?”3. We've been helping you spot fakes and giving you a peek into life at CB on social media...

4. ... as well as prepping our new catalogue to go to print